10th Novi Sad Oncology Congress, MARCH 2019
10th Novi Sad Oncology Congress
Rectorate hall, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are honored to announce 10th French | Serbian Oncology Congress. This traditional meeting is one of the biggest regional meetings with international participation and is covering all the novelties in the diagnostics and treatment of malignant diseases.
Registration fee is 70 € and includes:
– Attendance to all scientific sessions;
– Admission to the exhibition;
– Coffee breaks and lunch breaks;
– Delegate pack (congress badge,
– Congress bag, all congress materials);
– Certificate of attendance.
PROGRAM of the Congress you can download here
Please, mark your calendars and join us in beautiful Novi Sad by registering for 10th Novi Sad Oncology Congress. Welcome!
The On-Line registration is now closed. You are able to make registration on registration desk of the conference.
For any questions and ACCOMMODATION please CONTACT:
Panacomp Zemlja Cuda, Novi Sad
+38121466075; 38121466076,
e-mail: mice@panacomp.net